Keloid scar after caesarean

I usually write my blog in Japanese, but I’ve decided to write this in English today as I believe some mums are seeking solutions for keloid scars.

I have 2 boys both delivered by caesarean. After I had my first boy 2 years ago, I did almost nothing for my scar.
Unfortunately, it became a keloid.
It was about 5mm width, red, itchy and nasty. Once you get this, there is no cure except for skin removal.

When I found out about baby no.2, I immediately chose to have elective caesarean.
It was because I had had a tough delivery with the 1st one (obstructed labour), but also there was a pro "getting rid of the old scar."

My midwife told me that the scar might become a keloid again because this is my skin’s tendency which cannot be changed.

Even if so, I wanted try EVERYTHING I could do this time, not to regret.

I talked to my doctor about the keloid then she decided to use a different type of thread for my 2nd caesarean.
In New Zealand, they commonly use threads which dissolve afterward.
The one I used this time doesn’t dissolve so it requires removal. This is a bit annoying (and scary) but I needed to try something new.

Next, dressings.
My midwife prepared steroid strips and honeycombs dressings for the first 6 weeks.
After the 6weeks, I needed to buy some dressings by myself.
.......And this was the hardest part.

Sadly, I cannot really find a suitable dressing in NZ. There are some but really pricy!
I have searched online in Japanese (lucky me) and realised that there are some dressings specialised for scars.

I ordered 2 different types of dressings.
One is bandage/taping style and the other is silicone style.

Japanese Rakuten can ship some products worldwide which is awesome:D

I have used this for 2months, without any troubles. It's quite convenient that I can take a shower with the bandage on.
One tape lasted about 3-5days.
I bought 2 sizes, L & LL. L size just covered my scar so I would recommend LL.

This is the one I am currently using. Silicone tape.
They have some different sizes but it has to be 16 to cover caesarean scar.
One box contains 2 tapes, and you have to take the tape off before shower.
Then hand wash it and return it to the case.
After showering, you will use the other tape from the case.

Sounds a bit bothering, but I found this good because you can actually see the scar everyday.
Also the silicone tape is protecting the scar well.


After using these 2 dressings, suprisingly my scar is healing well.
(still the scar is visible, but 1mm width, pink/white colour)
I am glad I didn't give up on this.

It's really important to cover the scar not to get rubbing or sctraching
I felt compression also helped. (as I am wearing a tight undies)

Anyway, I'll keep using these 2 dressings a bit more.

Hope this blog helps some mums who wants some help.
